Thursday, December 25, 2008

What I'm Listening To: 12/25/08

It may be Christmas time but that doesn't mean I'm listening to just holiday tunes. Ha! Sorry it's been such a long break between the previous What I'm Listening To and this one. I've just been fairly busy and haven't listened to much new music. These are just some things I've been listening to lately.

Paul Westerberg - 49:00

Hopefully you recognize the name from his time in a certain band known as The Replacements. If you don't know them, that's okay, alot of people today don't. He released this track online a couple months ago for 49 cents. It's a damn good deal. 49 minutes (actually around 43) of music for a penny per minute. I listened to it when it came out but lately I've been revisiting it. Even though it's ONE track, it's full of different songs and a few covers. These aren't just throwaway songs either. Most of the songs are pretty good and those that aren't are just being experimental. Many different sounds are explored. My only complaint is that you can't easily skip to a song you particularly like if you're listening in a car. Also, between the songs, mini-snippets of other songs are heard. It gives the effect of turning the dial of a radio between stations. The bad thing is...some of those snippets are interesting enough for me to wish I could hear more than 30 seconds of it.

The Jane Carrey Band

Fronted by Jim Carrey's daughter, you'd expect it to either suck or sound like your everyday pop music. Thankfully, neither is true. Not only can she sing, but her songs have a real mature sound to them. I can try to describe it as an alternative bluesy/jazzy sound. I could imagine them touring with Martha Wainwright or someone else like that. Her voice has substance to's hard to describe. It certainly makes her sound older than she really is. They're going into the studio to record some more songs, so hopefully I'll get more to listen to. No albums yet, but perhaps they will release one eventually.

The Ice Cream Floats

I stumbled upon this one after looking through movies related to Baghead. Tipper Newton and Joe Swanberg are both actors. Swanberg is also a director. They made these toothache inducing songs of sweetness covered with a thick layer of ear numbing cuteness, all sitting on a foundation of the "indie" sound. The songs really do sound like a throwback to the 50s/60s though. That's why I dig it. It is unabashably happy go sunshine and doesn't care.

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